
Healing through Nature…

At George Mark Children’s House

Nature is an integral part of the healing and care practices at GMCH. Hummingbird Hill is George Mark Children’s House's beautiful restorative garden onsite. Here families can visit and make priceless memories with their children, and return to as a continued sacred place for peaceful, meditative moments. GMCH also has a vibrant horticulture therapy program where patients and their siblings can enjoy gardening activities outdoors. The healing power of nature is a potent source of hope at George Mark. To learn more about GMCH, click here.   

At UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital

UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland (CHO) is deeply committed to integrating nature into their health care approach.  New facilities, like the soon-to-open Behavioral Health building, incorporate outdoor space to create a healing and harmonious environment for patients, families, and staff. The Center for Nature and Health (CNH) is a special group that's taking this approach to the next level, focusing on improving health and health equity by expanding patients' access to nature. The center offers a unique opportunity to serve families that are most affected by health disparities and often have the least access to nature. The Center for Nature and Health has created some of the first-ever validated protocols to enable physicians to integrate nature-based behavioral interventions into their practices, including prescribing outdoor time for pediatric patients and facilitating field trips to local parks. To learn more about CHO, click here.  

Young patient at UCSF Benioff Childrens